As provided for in Section 2 of the enabling Act, the Institute has the following mandate:
(i) to provide workers’ education generally so as to enhance the role of trade unions in the social and economic development of the country and equip trade union officials and managers with skills normally required for collective bargaining and joint consultation in fostering the growth of better labour and management relations;
(ii) to provide opportunities for policy makers in the eld of labour and social policy in industry, in the trade unions and in government to acquire by personal experience a full understanding of the issues which confronts them in their day-to-day work;
(iii) to provide and arrange comparative study and investigation of the principles and techniques of trade unionism and thereby assist Government in evolving a virile and well-organised trade union movement capable of giving full and responsible expression to the needs of workers and the aspirations of the country;
(iv) to undertake, organise and facilitate study courses, conferences, lectures, seminars and the like with a view to improving the standard of trade union administration and infusing a sense of direction and accountability;
(v) to promote research through collaboration with Universities and Institutes concerned with industrial relations and labour matters;
(vi) to award grants, scholarships travel fellowships for research in labour studies and allied subjects;
(vii) to undertake and provide for publication of journals, research papers and books in furtherance of the aforesaid objectives