In addition to the scheduled regular courses, the Institute also organises tailor-made seminars/workshops to meet specific organizational needs upon request, at any time of the year, for varying duration and at any location of client’s choice, Clients may choose from any one of our regular programmes to be adopted in line with identified needs and peculiarities or they may prefer an entirely new course.
As part of the Institute’s social responsibility to its catchment states, specially designed training programmes are developed at highly subsidized rates for public and private sector organisations within and around Kwara State and other catchment states. The workshops cover the under-listed topics amongst others:
Joint Consultation and Collective Bargaining;
Industrial Conflict Management and Resolution;
Nigerian Labour Laws and International Labour Standards (ILS);
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS);
Entrepreneurship Development;
Productivity and Work Ethics.
The Institute organises stakeholders’ summit annually to provide a virile platform for critical action learning and brainstorming on labour/industrial relations and related issues of national importance amongst social partners namely; labour, government, and employers including other strategic partners like the academics, industrial relations scholars and practitioners, Human Resource Managers/Practitioners in both public and private sector organisations e.t.c. Successive editions have provided an insight into the core activities of the Institute and immense contributions to government’s development policies.
The institute is also equipped to undertake advisory and intervention services for federal, state and local governments’ establishments, public and private sector organisations, employers’ associations and trade unions. These services include but are not limited to the following:
– Trade Union/Labour Research and Education
– Training Needs Assessment/Analysis
– Industrial Conflict Management and Mediation
– Alternative Dispute Resolution
– Special conferences and seminars for trade unions
– Labour policy analysis and evaluation
– On-the-job training
– Refresher courses
– Train the Trainers Programmes
– Collaborative research and training
– Entrepreneurial Skills Development, etc.